Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Psychology from a Christian Perspective by Ronald L. Koteskey

Psychology from a Christian Perspective by Ronald L. Koteskey

Psychology from a Christian Perspective

Psychology from a Christian Perspective by Ronald L. Koteskey PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book places the discipline of psychology within a Christian perspective. It concentrates on the following topics - methods, biological foundations, development, sensation, perception, consciousness, learning, thinking, memory, motivation, emotion, personality, assessment, disorders, therapy and social psychology. The author has condensed and simplified this second edition, targeting undergraduates. He has also included a section in each chapter telling at least one thing the Christian faith would imply about the psychological topic of the chapter, as well as a section in each chapter about how students could use the psychological principles discussed in the chapter in living Christian lives.

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